Thursday, January 26, 2012

Fluffy Lunch Box

So if there is one thing Gannon loves it is spaghetti. I don't mean he enjoys it every so often, I mean he LOVES it! He will eat as much as I cook if I would let him. So last night I broke down and made his favorite meal. After he ate we went to church and in the car he said, "Can I have more spaghetti when I get home?". Well first off he already had a HUGE plate and possibly seconds when I was getting ready so I told him I would have to see. When we got home the first thing he did was make a beeline for the kitchen. Since it was already past his bedtime and he needed a shower (he had "man odor" as he called it) I told him he could not have more. So after Tom and I ate we had some left overs and I put it in one of my bigger containers. Normally I put some in a small container and let Gannon take some spaghetti for lunch, but I forgot last night. So this morning I got up late and was running around crazy trying to get me and him ready. He pretty much can get himself ready now but not in a timely manner. So I go out to try and get breakfast ready and I notice his lunch box is huge! I kept on doing what I was doing though and just figured he had packed some extra lunch. I got to thinking about it though and I told Tom it was just a lot bigger than normal and I had to see what was in there. So I open it up and to my surprise there sits the ENTIRE bowl of spaghetti!! I don't know how he even got his lunchbox zipped this thing is so big! He came in and I had the bowl open puting a smaller amount in another container and he got mad. He said first off he didn't know there was that much in there. Really? And second, he could eat all of that no problem. I told him I knew he COULD but he SHOULDN'T. So needless to say he got a much smaller bowl to take to school and now Tom has some lunch.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Oh no you didn't bust again pipe!

Oh yes it did!

So I am standing in the kitchen cooking, washing dishes, and on the phone with Tom as he is coming home from work. Now I don't expect anyone to believe this, but it IS true, I even had on an apron... I get done with the dishes and I am cooking chicken. I hear Gannon in my room pushing the chair back and forth on my hardwood floor. I holler in there for him to "QUIT!" and he says "I'm not doing anything!" Umm hmmm yeah. So a minute later he said something weird was going on but not what. Tom was at the point where his phone loses signal so I decided to make some pasta to go with his chicken. I turn on the water and there is very little pressure. I waitied a minute and then I thought "OH CRAP!" I ran into my room and I hear the water gushing under the house. I said "GANNON!! Why didn;t you tell me about that?!" His reply? "I said I heard something weird." You have to be kidding....

Ok so Tom is still about an hour away, water is gushing under the house out of the pipe, and I am thinking about just letting the house flood. Well common sense won out and I go outside with 1 my cell phone and 2 my apron. I get out there and its COLD. I turn on my cell phone flashlight and it went off 3 times! The new lids on the water meter are heavy!!! I finally get it off and there is mud all in there and its gross. I turn the water off and go back inside. Of course now there is no water to wash the mud off my hands. Thankfully I had just washed my hands before and used a paper towel to wipe them off. It was pretty wet so I used it to clean up best I can.

My phone starts ringing and I realize Tom has found reception again. So I answer the phone and he is all excited and I break the news. He is like "You are kidding. Please tell me you are kidding. It broke again really? No you are kidding." Me, "I am not kidding." Tom, "You are kidding. Please? I knew this was going to happen! You are pulling my leg." Me, "No, I am serious. I turned the water off."

So Tom finally gets home and realizes I am NOT kidding and he goes to take a look. Thankfully it didn't bust, it had just come loose! He went under the house and then bumped his head on something. I could hear him muttering but he could not hear me. Good thing cause I was telling him what to do even though I had no clue! So he comes back in the house and tells me he can fix it but he needs some rope. Rope? Are you going to strangle it? Turns out yes. So anyways an hour and 1 brother later it is fixed! I felt bad for Terry. He had on his brand new shoes! It was really muddy under there, but he didn't get any on his shoes. To repay Terry, Tom was kind and shared his peanut butter cake Nana made him. I told Terry that Tom said he could take the rest home and I thought Tom was going to get some rope and strangle me!  He isn't playing about his peanut butter cake.

So all in all it is good! I was able to get up and shower and I know many people are thankful for that. I know I am! Now let's just pray that the pipe behaves from now on. If it doesn't I guess I am going to have to get under there and fix it myself. I have some tin foil, duct tape and the original last name Black. If I can't rig it up I am sure my dad can!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

2012 Goals & stuff

Ok yes I posted one blog and now I am posting another, but I had a lot I wanted to say and not together! First I want to go over some of my goals for the year and then I want to tell you about how 2012 is going so far. I love going back later and re-reading my blogs. It reminds me of how crazy my life has been and how things change. So much happens that we forget about.

So first my goals... My first goal this year is to finish reading my bible through. I did not start at the beginning of the year because I started last August. I have read almost 75%. I have 4 or 5 more in the New Testament and about 10 more in the old (little books). I am hoping to be done by March. I also want to grow my relationship with Christ. Setting aside a time for prayer and devotion has to be a priority this year! My second goal is to get back on track with Weight Watchers. I gained back all the weight I lost plus a small sack of potatoes. So far I am in week 2 and I have lost 9.2! So I am pretty excited. I like the new plan and I think I will be able to stick with it. I am not going to be too hard on myself if I mess up, I am just going to keep going. I have to take it one day at a time. My goal for the year is 75, but That is a real stretch! So I am aiming for 60 and working towards 75. My third goal is to pay off our debt and start saving money! I want to be able to have Christmas paid for by October. I am not setting a savings goal other than that. I think it will take most of the year to get everything in order, but if I finish that goal early I will set a savings goal. My fourth goal is to try and help our women's ministry at church grow. I have a few ideas swimming in my head but we got to get everything in motion. My fifth goal is to stop trying to fix everything and everyone. I want to help people, but I learned this last year you can only help those who want to help themselves. If you want my help, here I am, if not, thank you for your time bye-bye! And last, my sixth goal is to get working!

Ok so enough about what I want to do, let's talk about what has happened so far! The new year came in quietly for us. Well technically that's a lie... at 12am fireworks downtown went NUTS! sounded like someone brought a cannon and just blew away downtown. But AFTER that things were quite. Tom and I went to church Sunday morning, then had lunch at Nana's. Tom ate plenty of greens and I ate lots of black-eyed peas. So maybe we will have some luck and money this year. We spent lots of time around the house and did some yard work the days it warmed up. I still have some decorations to put away but I will get to it.... So last night I tell Gannon to get ready to go back to school and he said "Oh ummm I forgot..." Oh please do not tell me this... please, I asked him 5 times if he had homework. "I have a book report due tomorrow and I only read half the book." WHAT, are you kidding me? Really??? Thankfully it was 4:30 and he reads fast. A few minutes of listening to me holler and he was in his room reading. I don't know how he did it, but he got it read and done! Then as we lay down to go to bed, there is a huge noise in our room and the floor is shaking! It sounds like a portal to another realm has opened and I am about to be whisked away by aliens! I was scared to get out of the bed to see what it was (because you know the bedcovers will keep aliens & ghost away). So I finally get up and I realized a pipe busted under the house! Ok really? Its 20 degrees outside! thankfully we all had showers and were at least clean. So we (Tom) turned off the water and is now under the house fixing said pipe.

So 4 days in and things have already started crazy. But today Gannon went back to school and tomorrow Tom goes back to work (after 3 weeks off!!). Looks like things are about to settle back into a routine. Now I have to decide if I want to work a part time job or what. I would like something a few nights a week. I need to be able to take Gannon to and from school if I need to. Plus a part time job would give me something to do and help pay our stuff off faster. So if you know of something let me know!

Well I think I have bored everyone enough for today... I am off to get Tom's peanut butter cake Nana made him yesterday. He is going to be SO excited!

Welcome to my blog! 2011 in review

Good morning and welcome to my blog! I can't believe I didn't start one of these sooner, but heck ya'll know I am lazy. So I decided to start this off with a review of 2011.

2011 has been by far the worst year for real estate in our area! This last year brought so many challenges in work (mainly because there was little to none). However, God has been faithful and kept us going! I am hoping that this next year things will pick up so I can get back to work and start making some money. I also hope this year brings in some child support. In February it will be one year since I got a penny. So between real estate going down the toilet and child support taking a leave of absence, money has been tight. Again God has been faithful and kept us going. We have not missed paying any bills, we aren't starving, and we still have a roof over our heads!! Now to say all that let me also say we have learned the true meaning of being frugal. Tom is so tired of eating beans... I told him they were good for him, he still isn't sure. You never know how much you can do without until you don't have a choice. As much as I haven't liked not having any extra money I am actually very thankful things have happened this way. I have learned we take a lot for granted and we also blew a lot of money. We didn't think we did, but we really did. We've never been one to go on a lot of trips or go out all the time, or buy a bunch of junk. We did however go out to eat more than we should and impulse buy things we could have done without. So this year we are determined to keep on being frugal and try and save as much money as we can.

Let's see what else has happened in 2011? Oh yeah we remodeled our new house and rented out our other one. What a crazy mess all that was... We worked so hard to remodel the house we are in now. We started last January and moved in September 1. We painted every wall and ceiling, changed every single light fixture, sanded cabinets, restained them, all new appliances and countertops, redid the bathrooms (one we redid completely!) and we did a lot of landscaping. We still aren't all the way done, but man it looks SO much better!!! I just wish we could have sold our other house. So far renting is ok, but I just hate dealing with it. Ya'll know what kind of luck I have. I am surprised the thing has not burned to the ground yet. But we did luck up and get some really nice renters!

2011 brought with it a lot of pain and sickness and thankfully it is all gone!!! After my back surgery in 2010 I started getting really sick. I was sick almost the entire year of 2010. Towards the middle of 2011 I started getting horrid headaches that would just kill me! I finally went to the doctor and they finally figured out my sinuses were screwed up and I had cysts in each side and a bunch of other mess. I had sinus surgery in June and I thought it would be a small thing. Man was I wrong! That was the second most painful thing I have ever went through! It took over a month for the pain to go away, but once it did something amazing happened, no more headaches and no more sickness!!!! Man what a blessing that has been. Then a few months ago I noticed I had something growing in both my hands. One was on the palm of my right hand and the other was on the worst on my left hand. Two doctors were baffled by my right palm. I had an MRI done and the left hand was a cyst, but the right they just didn't know. It had been bothering me some and since it was growing I decided to just have it cut out. Again I thought this would be a minor procedure, and while it was not as bad as my other 2 surgeries I was in a huge cast thing for a week! Turns out it was a huge tumor and it was bigger than they thought! He had to cut pretty far and deep to get it out. The best news is that it was not cancer and it should not grow back! The other hand they drained and it is doing a lot better to! I am waiting for Tom's insurance to send him a letter asking him why he married a fixer-upper. Tom just didn't have a clue lol.

So that pretty much covers 2011 as best as I can remember. So far 2012 has been ok, but that’s another blog!