Wednesday, January 4, 2012

2012 Goals & stuff

Ok yes I posted one blog and now I am posting another, but I had a lot I wanted to say and not together! First I want to go over some of my goals for the year and then I want to tell you about how 2012 is going so far. I love going back later and re-reading my blogs. It reminds me of how crazy my life has been and how things change. So much happens that we forget about.

So first my goals... My first goal this year is to finish reading my bible through. I did not start at the beginning of the year because I started last August. I have read almost 75%. I have 4 or 5 more in the New Testament and about 10 more in the old (little books). I am hoping to be done by March. I also want to grow my relationship with Christ. Setting aside a time for prayer and devotion has to be a priority this year! My second goal is to get back on track with Weight Watchers. I gained back all the weight I lost plus a small sack of potatoes. So far I am in week 2 and I have lost 9.2! So I am pretty excited. I like the new plan and I think I will be able to stick with it. I am not going to be too hard on myself if I mess up, I am just going to keep going. I have to take it one day at a time. My goal for the year is 75, but That is a real stretch! So I am aiming for 60 and working towards 75. My third goal is to pay off our debt and start saving money! I want to be able to have Christmas paid for by October. I am not setting a savings goal other than that. I think it will take most of the year to get everything in order, but if I finish that goal early I will set a savings goal. My fourth goal is to try and help our women's ministry at church grow. I have a few ideas swimming in my head but we got to get everything in motion. My fifth goal is to stop trying to fix everything and everyone. I want to help people, but I learned this last year you can only help those who want to help themselves. If you want my help, here I am, if not, thank you for your time bye-bye! And last, my sixth goal is to get working!

Ok so enough about what I want to do, let's talk about what has happened so far! The new year came in quietly for us. Well technically that's a lie... at 12am fireworks downtown went NUTS! sounded like someone brought a cannon and just blew away downtown. But AFTER that things were quite. Tom and I went to church Sunday morning, then had lunch at Nana's. Tom ate plenty of greens and I ate lots of black-eyed peas. So maybe we will have some luck and money this year. We spent lots of time around the house and did some yard work the days it warmed up. I still have some decorations to put away but I will get to it.... So last night I tell Gannon to get ready to go back to school and he said "Oh ummm I forgot..." Oh please do not tell me this... please, I asked him 5 times if he had homework. "I have a book report due tomorrow and I only read half the book." WHAT, are you kidding me? Really??? Thankfully it was 4:30 and he reads fast. A few minutes of listening to me holler and he was in his room reading. I don't know how he did it, but he got it read and done! Then as we lay down to go to bed, there is a huge noise in our room and the floor is shaking! It sounds like a portal to another realm has opened and I am about to be whisked away by aliens! I was scared to get out of the bed to see what it was (because you know the bedcovers will keep aliens & ghost away). So I finally get up and I realized a pipe busted under the house! Ok really? Its 20 degrees outside! thankfully we all had showers and were at least clean. So we (Tom) turned off the water and is now under the house fixing said pipe.

So 4 days in and things have already started crazy. But today Gannon went back to school and tomorrow Tom goes back to work (after 3 weeks off!!). Looks like things are about to settle back into a routine. Now I have to decide if I want to work a part time job or what. I would like something a few nights a week. I need to be able to take Gannon to and from school if I need to. Plus a part time job would give me something to do and help pay our stuff off faster. So if you know of something let me know!

Well I think I have bored everyone enough for today... I am off to get Tom's peanut butter cake Nana made him yesterday. He is going to be SO excited!

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